EVENTS : high jump

1. What is the name of the most common clearing technique ?

flop straddle fosbury

2. What is the current women world record ?

2m03 2m06 2m09

3. Which famous sovietic jumper saw his career suddenly interrupted by a motorcycle accident ?

Vladimir Yachenko Valeriy Brumel Yuriy Stepanov

4. In which stadium did Dwight Stones clear for the first time 2m30?

Münich Paris New York

5. How much time is allowed to jump ?

1 minute 1 and half minute 2 minutes

6. At what height were the first Olympic Games won in 1896 ?

1m65 1m81 1m98 2m05

7. Who was the first woman to clear 2 meters?

Sara Simeoni Rosemarie Ackermann Ulrike Meyfarth Kosta Kostadinova

8. Which high jumper jumped the highest compared to her height ?

Marie Collonvillé Iolanda Balas Niki Bakoyanni Ulrike Meyfarth

9. What is the first name of Paklin, who held the world record back in 1985 ?

Vladimir Ivan Igor Sergey

10. What height did Jackie Joyner-Kersee clear in her heptathlon world record in Indianapolis ?

1m85 1m90 1m93 1m96


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