1. Which country did win the team world champion title in both men long and short distances ?
Ethiopia Morocco Kenya
2. Where did the World Championships take place ?
Portugal Slovenia Russia
3. Who won the IAAF cross challenge among men ?
Mohamed Mourhit Paul Tergat Assefa Mezegebu
4. With how many seconds to spare did Mohamed Mourhit became world champion ?
1 5 11 35
5. What was the nationality of the junior man world champion ?
Kenyan Portuguese Tanzanian
6. Where will / did the European Championships take place in December 2000 ?
Malmoe Helsinki Hamburg Verone
7. Which athlete won in Algiers the military title in February ?
Driss Maazouzi Mohamed Ezzher Driss El Himer Mustapha Essaid
8. Who won the world title in women cross, short distance ?
Margaret Ngotho Kutre Dulecha Zahra Ouaziz Paula Radcliffe
9. Which Ethipian female runner won successively the races of IAAF challenge in Santiponce and Durham in January ?
Derartu Tulu Gete Wami Ayelech Worku
10. At what place did the first European finish at the World Championships, men short distance (4 km), won by John Kibowen ?
2nd 5th 10th 19th